News archive

07/2022: Started a new role as Head of Human-Machine Understanding at Cambridge Consultants.

05-06/2022: Wrapping up projects at Imperial College London as I prepare for a new role. Stay tuned!

04/2022: Talk & Poster accepted at Neural Control of Movement (NCM'22), on physical human-AI collaboration.

03/2022: Preprint from my collaboration with TUM: the role of haptic communication in physical collaboration.

02/2022: Preprint on a human in-the-loop approach to quantify human trust in AI recommendations.

01/2022: Preprint on deep learning for prediction of human intention based solely on natural gaze cues.

01/2022: Happy new year! New year, another updated CV ;) 

12/2021: Happy holidays! Tough year, but wrapped a few great projects (news here soon!). Have a great break :)

11/2021: Featured on Imperial College news, our recent work on robotic human augmentation.

11/2021: Promoted to Research Fellow in Robotics & AI @ Imperial College London

11/2021: Now on Scientific Reports: we report on the inherent constraints of robotic augmentation of humans.

10/2021: Paper accepted at Scientific Reports  on robotic human augmentation.

09/2021: New academic year, new updated CV :) 

08/2021: The New Scientist has a report about our research on Robotic Human Augmentation.

08/2021: Grant funded by EPSRC-N+ on Human-Like Computing, on Trustworthy Human-Robot Collaboration.

07/2021: Now out on Scientific Reports: Our Action Grammars approach used to study human behaviour and evolution.

07/2021: Invited talk at ICL Robotics Forum - TUM MSRM Academic Workshop on human in-the-loop Robotics.

06/2021: Paper accepted at Scientific Reports on the evolution of Human Action Grammars - to appear in July.

05/2021: Catch my talk at NER, and later this month at VSS; both on human interfacing through gaze for robotics.

04/2021: Catch our talk on robotic human augmentation at NCM. 

03/2021: Talk accepted at NCM 2021 (10% acceptance), on robotic augmentation of humans. 

03/2021: Talk accepted at ACM CHI 2021 workshop on RL for HCI,  on human-robot collaborative RL.

02/2021: Talk + Poster accepted at VSS 2021, gaze intention decoding + autonomous driving w/ gaze attention

02/2021: 2xPapers accepted at the IEEE NER 2021, on gaze interfaces for cognitive human-robot interaction.

01/2021: You can watch my talk below, here

01/2021: Invited talk at the Imperial College London Dept. of Bioengineering Seminar. Come say Hi online!

01/2021: Happy new year - or at least congratulations on finishing 2020, let's hope for a better one!

12/2020: Happy holidays! Take a break... who'd have thought we'd ever want a break from staying home :-D 

11/2020: Poster presentation on our study of Robotic Human Augmentation in Piano Playing at BioRob2020 WS 

10/2020: IROS 2020 is free and on demand! Check it out, and our work too (you must sign up first).

09/2020: Back in the lab, socially distanced, but good to be back.

08/2020: Summer break!

07/2020: Our work on the EU Enhance project highlighted by the EU Innovation Radar!

07/2020: Organised seminar with Imperial College AI Network and Robotics forum on AI/Robotics in Healthcare.

07/2020: Paper accepted at IEEE/RSJ IROS'20 on real-world human-robot collaborative reinforcement learning.

06/2020: Invited talk at ICRA2020 WS on Human-Robot Handovers on Explainable Human-Robot Interaction

05/2020: Preprint on how human motor coordination affects supernumerary robotic human augmentation

03-05/2020: Working from home with the COVID-19 restrictions - be safe out there!

03/2020: Invited talk at the University of Cambridge, Human Enhancement Seminar on Explainable Robotics

03/2020: Preprint on real-world human-robot collaborative reinforcement learning

01/2020: Happy New Year! New year, new CV ;-)

12/2019: Preprint on human-robot collaborative learning with deep RL - at NeurIPS'19 WS on Robot Learning .

10/2019: Preprint on the use of action grammars to consistently improve sample efficiency in RL agents.

10/2019: Featured on the Imperial College London website on the topic of explainable intelligent robotics.

09/2019: Preprint + video: how human gaze attention prediction helps train better autonomous driving agents.

07 & 08/2019: Summer break + Some quality time in the lab working on some new cool things - stay tuned! :)

06/2019: Invited talk at "From BCI to Human Robot Augmentation" workshop, the Hamlyn Symposium 2019.

06/2019: 1 x Paper accepted at IEEE IROS'19 on hierarchical reinforcement learning for robot manipulation.

06/2019: Organising half-day workshop on Human-in-the-loop AI at the London AI Summit.

05/2019: 2 x Papers being presented at IEEE ICRA'19 on human-in-the-loop robotics. Details here.

05/2019: Successful final review meeting of ENHANCE project - reviewers commended our work specifically.

04/2019: Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for interpretable robotic manipulation - our latest pre-print.

03/2019: IMechE, interviewed on the MIT Mini Cheetah Robot, by B. Katz et. al.

02/2019: CNN, interviewed on the MIT Jenga Robot, by N. Fazeli et. al., Science Robotics, 2019.

01/2019: Invited talk at the University of Cambridge, Stephenson Society on "Human-in-the-loop Robotics"

01/2019: 2 x Papers @ IEEE ICRA'19 - Physical Human-Robot Interaction, with human-in-the-loop methods.

12/2018: AI @ Imperial, I have been appointed as manager of Imperial College's Cross-Faculty AI Network.

11/2018: CNBC, interviewed on  the state of AI and its misrepresentation ("AI" news anchor in China)

10/2018: Sky News, interviewed on a robot appearance during MPs' meeting (Pepper the robot with MPs)

10/2018: Attending IROS 2018, running our WS, and chairing the deep learning session.

09/2018: Read our work on a gaze-based, context-aware assistive robotic system; available now on arXiv.

06/2018: Book on soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery.

05/2018: 3 x Papers @ IEEE BioRob'18 on a supernumerary robotic thumb, computer vision, and MMG/FES.

Start of website!